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Loughton Ward Vacancy

It is with great regret we have recently received the resignation of Vice Chairman Councillor Simon Kirkman from Loughton Parish Council with immediate effect. Cllr Kirkman has served the Parish for the Loughton ward in working on the Conservation Area Review, the transfer of the freehold of the Loughton Sports ground and Club Premises, the Community Emergency Plan and as a committee member of the Loughton Sports and Social Club, as well as being Vice Chairman. His contribution will be greatly missed.

An election has been called for Thursday 4th July 2013; Milton Keynes Council will administer the election if there are enough Candidates who put themselves forward.

There are certain criteria that must be met to be eligible to be a candidate such as:

A qualifying Commonwealth citizen, a citizen of the Republic of Ireland or a citizen of another Member State of the European Community, who has attained the age of 18 years and that you are on the day of the election registered

(a)  as a local government elector for the administrative area of the Parish

(b)  you have during the whole of the twelve months preceding that day or those days occupied as owner or tenant of the following land or other premises in the Parish

(c)  Your principal or only place of work during those twelve months has been in the Parish

(d)  You have during the whole of those twelve months resided in that Parish or within 4.8 kilometres of it at

Anyone wishing to be a candidate can do so by contacting Milton Keynes Council for a nomination pack contact details are as follows:

David Hill

Returning Officer

Milton Keynes Council

Civic Offices

1 Saxon Gate East

Central Milton Keynes


Telephone: (01908) 691691


The nomination pack also lists the election timetable and the Disqualifications for election and holding office as a member of local authority under Section 80 of the Local Government Act 1972.




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