Councillor Don Hoyle
Mobile: 07734 412923

Don Hoyle has lived in Milton Keynes since 1977, the year he married Teresa. They have 3 grown-up children and have been foster parents since 2008. “Fostering has its challenges” he says, “but overall, it is very rewarding”.
His interests include playing the Spanish guitar as well as listening to classical music, jazz and a recent discovery, Klezmer bands. A member of the Institute of Advanced Motorists, Don is particularly interested in all aspects of road safety, which he feels will help him serve residents well, along with his previous service on the Borough and Parish Councils.
Don strongly believes that Parish Councillors should act responsibly with the resident’s money, which they work hard for. He thinks that if more Councillors asked themselves, “Would I spend my own money on this proposal/project?” they wouldn’t be quite so ready to put the precept up. He will be happy to be contacted by any of the residents of the parish.
To view Don’s register of members’ interests click here