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2015 Meetings

The Parish Council usually meets at or around 7.30pm on the third Monday of each month, although check below as dates, times and venues can vary. There is usually no meeting in August.

All meetings are held in accordance with the Standing Orders of Loughton & Great Holm Parish Council (which you can access via this hyperlink).

Members of the public and particularly residents of the parish are welcomed and encouraged to attend. The agenda for the meeting can be accessed via the hyperlink below.

Minutes are published below after having been approved at the next meeting.

Monday 19 January            Holmwood School Great Holm       Agenda Minutes Papers

Monday 16 February          Loughton Memorial Hall                Agenda Minutes Papers

Monday 16 March              Holmwood School Great Holm       Agenda Minutes Papers

Monday 20 April                National Badminton Centre           Agenda Minutes Papers

Monday 18 May                 Holmwood School Great Holm       Agenda Minutes Papers

Monday 15 June                Holmwood School Great Holm       Agenda Minutes Papers

Monday 20 July                 Loughton Memorial Hall                Agenda Minutes Papers

Monday 21 September      Loughton Memorial Hall                Agenda Minutes Papers

Monday 19 October          Holmwood School Great Holm       Agenda Minutes Papers

Monday 16 November       Loughton Memorial Hall                Agenda Minutes Papers

Monday 21 December       Holmwood School Great Holm      Agenda Minutes Papers

Loughton Sports Ground Committee


Sunday 6th July           12:30am Church Farm, Loughton   Agenda Minutes  Papers   


Sunday 8th February     10:30am Loughton Sports Pavilion  Agenda Minutes Papers

Sunday 15th March        10:00am Loughton Sports Pavilion  Agenda Minutes Papers

Sunday 26th April         10:00am Loughton Sports Pavilion  Agenda Minutes 

Sunday 24th May           10:00am Loughton Sports Pavilion  Agenda Minutes

Sunday 21st June           10:00am Loughton Sports Pavilion  Agenda Minutes Papers

Sunday 27th September 10:30am Loughton Sports Pavilion  Agenda Minutes Papers

Sunday 25th October      10:30am Loughton Sports Pavilion  Agenda Minutes

Sunday 22nd November  10:30am Loughton Sports Pavilion  Agenda Minutes


  • Is it at all acceptable that minutes concerning you meeting on the 19th January 2015 are still not published on this website for parishoner’s consumption on 16th March.

    These are not minutes, they are history. Surely it is not an insurmountable problem to agree the minutes at the first subsequent meeting and then publish within 48 hours of that, ie in the most recent case on the 18th February.

    • Dear Mr Sutherland

      We aim to have all minutes uploaded onto the website as soon as they have been approved at the next meeting, the minutes for the January meeting are already uploaded onto the website.

  • So why haven’t the minutes for the meeting on the 16th February been published yet. They would have been agreed on the 16th March I assume.
    Why not come up with a different method of approving the minutes (e.g. via email) in advance of the next meeting, or even publish the draft minutes before they are approved (after all there are typically minimal changes), and then replace with the approved minutes.

    • Dear Mr Reading

      We take on board your comments and will try in future to get the minutes of the previous meetings uploaded onto the website as soon as possible.

      Kind Regards

      Brian Barton – Parish Clerk

  • Still no progress on the timeliness of minutes then? March 16th still not published on 27th April. Can Parish Councillors not comment/amend the draft minutes by email, thus allowing them to be published earlier. Counterwise publish clearly marked “draft” minutes instead, if your organization is unable to change its methodology. The current situation is really not good enough!

    Minutes are published below after having been approved at the next meeting.

    Monday 19 January Holmwood School Great Holm Agenda Minutes Papers

    Monday 16 February Loughton Memorial Hall Agenda Minutes Papers

    Monday 16 March Holmwood School Great Holm Agenda Minutes Papers

    Monday 20 April National Badminton Centre Agenda Minutes Papers

    Monday 18 May Holmwood School Great Holm

  • So why haven’t the minutes for the meeting held on the 16th March been published yet. There were presumably approved on the 20th April. It should be easy to make any changes and publish on the website.

    CPALC says that draft minutes should be published within a month of the meeting and you are failing in that.

    • Gary – can you direct me to where CPALC say that? The Parish Council has discussed the issue of publication of minutes in the past and adopted a policy of publishing the minutes once they are approved at the following meeting. There has been debate about whether to publish draft unapproved minutes but the Council decided not to do so in case this might mislead. I take the point you and Graham have made however and am of the view that draft minutes could be published sooner as a draft version and if there is a call for this I think we should consider it.
      thanks both for your interest

  • Saturday 13th June and still no published minutes for April 20th meeting. Extract from Parish Council’s Toolkit Document for guidance

    Minutes Production

    Decisions taken at a meeting take effect immediately and do not depend on the minutes being approved at the next meeting. The minutes should be produced as quickly as possible after the meeting in order to circulate them to Members. It can be helpful for the Clerk or minute taker to provide a draft of the minutes for the Chair of the meeting. This is an opportunity to pick up any mistakes in the
    content or identify typing errors, but it is not to be used by the Chair as a means of re-writing the minutes.

    It is good practice to circulate the draft minutes no later than 10 working days after the meeting. It is acceptable for the draft minutes to be published (on the website or notice board, or to provide copies to members of the public), but they do not become valid minutes until they are accepted as a correct record and signed by the Chair at the next meeting.
    Minutes in draft form should therefore record that fact clearly (at the top and bottom) to the effect: “Minutes subject to approval at the next meeting” or by using a “draft” watermark.

    The signed minutes should be carefully retained by the Clerk for the council’s archives. It is prudent to retain a separate set of signed minutes for public inspection and for reference at meetings or for other purposes. The end of the published minutes should include the fact of being signed by the Chair and the date on which they were signed. If changes are made to the minutes by the council or committee before acceptance and signing, the wording changes should be recorded in the minutes of the meeting that agreed the changes and the original minutes must be amended to reflect the changes. The copy signed by the Chair will contain the alterations, recorded in longhand, with the changes signed and dated.

  • Friday 3rd July and still waiting for the approved minutes for the Parish Council’s meeting on 20th April! That is 71 days to get some minutes out to the public. Can you please explain this ridiculous delay and your refusal to at least publish them in draft form as your guidelines suggest you can do?

  • This does seem very poor and so easy to fix – you have a clerk who works 28 hours a week but the minutes take over 70 days to make it to the website. I hope this will be discussed at your next monthly meeting. Of course it may already have been discussed, but I’ll need to wait another couple of months to find out!

    • Hi Graham

      The Agenda and supporting Papers for the next Parish Council meeting to be held on Monday 19th October 2015, have now been uploaded.
      The papers were only issued to Parish Councillors today.

      Kind Regards

      Brian Barton
      Parish Clerk

  • Thanks Brian,
    just a point of interest, it would be far better if this enquiries section was tabulated latest/first so the most recent communications were shown at the top. Couldn’t this be achieved?


    • Hi Graham

      The Parish Council hopes to be upgrading the website system in the near future, and so will bear this suggestion in mind.

      Kind Regards

      Brian Barton
      Parish Clerk

  • I notice the minutes for the meeting held on the 21st September have still not been uploaded. We still seem to be in the same situation we were in 6 months ago with the minutes not appearing until months after the meeting. Is anything going to be done to improve this. Surely minutes could be published within a couple of weeks of the meeting, either as drafts or approved via email prior to publication.

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