2013 Meetings
The Parish Council usually meets at or around 7.30pm on the third Monday of each month, although check below as dates, times and venues can vary. There is usually no meeting in August.
All meetings are held in accordance with the Standing Orders of Loughton Parish Council (which you can access via this hyperlink).
Members of the public and particularly residents of the parish are welcomed and encouraged to attend. The agenda for the meeting can be accessed via the hyperlink below.
Minutes are published below once approved at the subsequent meeting.
Monday 21 January Great Holm Meeting Place Agenda Minutes
Monday 18 February Loughton Memorial Hall Agenda Minutes
Monday 4 March Loughton Memorial Hall Agenda Minutes
Monday 18 March Great Holm Meeting Place Agenda Minutes
Monday 8 April Loughton Memorial Hall Agenda Minutes
Monday 15 April Loughton Memorial Hall Agenda Minutes
Monday 20 May Great Holm Meeting Place Agenda Minutes
Monday 17 June Loughton Memorial Hall Agenda Minutes
Monday 15 July Great Holm Meeting Place Agenda Minutes
Monday 16 September Loughton Memorial Hall Agenda Minutes
Monday 21 October Great Holm Meeting Place Agenda Minutes
Monday 18 November Loughton Memorial Hall Agenda Minutes
Monday 16 December Great Holm Meeting Place Agenda Minutes Papers
Finance and Staff Committee
Monday 28th October Loughton Memorial Hall Agenda